Hongkong Steamed Fish. Cantonese Steamed Fish (with Pro Tips You Need To Know). The flesh of fresh cod is silky and practically melts in your mouth. Cod has a 'sweet' taste that you can just eat it on its own without seasoning, simply umami.
Here they receive a private cooking class with the hotel's world-class chefs: a whole steamed fish.
Preparing a perfectly steamed fish just require a little knowledge.
You will get a perfectly steamed fish with this timing I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest ( Hong Kong + Macau ) - Jan+Feb Month hosted by Annie of Annielicious Food.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak sulit, kalian dapat membuat Hongkong Steamed Fish hanya dengan menggunakan 15 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Hongkong Steamed Fish!
Bahan-bahan Hongkong Steamed Fish
- Dibutuhkan 1 ekor Ikan kakap merah di potong jadi 4-5 potong.
- Dibutuhkan 1 kotak Silky Tofu potong persegi.
- Sediakan potong kecil Cabe Merah Keriting.
- Siapkan potong kecil Cabe rawit.
- Siapkan iris Daun bawang.
- Dibutuhkan iris Jahe.
- Gunakan Bawang putih cincang.
- Siapkan Saus.
- Siapkan Light Soy Sauce / Kecap Asin.
- Dibutuhkan Fish Sauce / Kecap Ikan.
- Sediakan Sesame oil / Minyak Wijen.
- Sediakan Gula.
- Gunakan Merica.
- Siapkan Garam.
- Dibutuhkan Air.
This Steamed Garoupa Fish, or 蒸石斑, originates from a story of lateness. I have always been late in things and I'm not bragging about So, oops, it's late, gotta go, grab my little girl, get her dressed and brushed, and off we go down the busy Hong Kong streets to the. While steaming, prepare the seasoning sauce: mix the hot water with rock sugar, chicken cube and light soy sauce. Pour away ALL the fishy juices and herbs.
Cara memasak Hongkong Steamed Fish
- Steam 10 menitan, ikan kakap merah & silky tofu dgn daun bawang, jahe, bawang putih, cabe merah & cabe hijau yg sudah di iris dan potong kecil..
- Setelah 10 menit, tuang saus yg sudah di buat td. Ikan yg di steam akan menghasilkan air, di campur langsung saja dengan saus. Saus (mix sampe rasa cocok di kalian) Campur light soy sauce + fish sauce + sesame oil + gula + merica + garam + air..
- Setelah tuang saus. Steam 5 menitan lagi. Angkat ketika merasa ikan sudah matang & siap di sajikan. Done !.
Don't worry; you wont regret pouring it away. Pour the seasoning sauce all over the fish. In Hong Kong (hung hom, kowloon) I had this steamed fish that was served on this large heated platter that was covered in leeks, onions, round hot peppers, little chilli peppers, enoki mushrooms, bean sprouts and BLACK BEANS. Chinese Steamed Fish - Learn how to make restaurant-style Chinese steamed fish with this easy steamed fish recipe, with steamed fish I love Chinese-style steamed fish-fresh-from-the-tank live fish steamed with soy sauce and topped with shredded ginger. The flavor of steamed fish prepared with live fish is out of this world.