Hong Kong Style Steamed Yellow Tail. Hong Kong Style Steam Fish Tail Simple Recipes, Simple Kitchen, Tasty Food Great for kids to go with rice. Pls subscribe if u have enjoyed the video and.
By Shannon Lim Steamed Cod Fish is another indulging recipe you can effortlessly recreate at home.
This recipe is simple and absolutely delicious.
Steamed Cod Fish is another indulgent recipe you can effortlessly recreate at home.
Teman-teman dapat membuat Hong Kong Style Steamed Yellow Tail hanya dengan menggunakan 5 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Hong Kong Style Steamed Yellow Tail!
Bahan Hong Kong Style Steamed Yellow Tail
- Sediakan 1 ekor ikan yellow tail.
- Diperlukan Secukupnya jahe iris seperti korek api.
- Sediakan Secukupnya daun bawang iris panjang.
- Diperlukan Secukupnya minyak goreng.
- Dibutuhkan Secukupnya soya souce.
Cod has a 'sweet' taste that you can just eat it on its own without seasoning. This recipe is simple and absolutely delicious. Silky steamed cod that practically melt in your mouth, with an awesome umami sauce is heavenly. Deliver the Letter, the Shower the Better!
Cara membuat Hong Kong Style Steamed Yellow Tail
- Bersihkan ikan terlebih dahulu,cuci bersih dan keringkan dengan paper towel kemudian sisihkan..
- Rebus secukupnya air hingga mendidih,kemudian kukus ikan yellow tail dan beri irisan jahe di atas ikan kemudian kukus selama kurang lebih 12 menit.atau bisa d lihat dari besar kecilnya ukuran ikan.setelah matang angkat dan beri irisan daun bawang di atas nya,lalu sisihkan..
- Panaskan secukupnya minyak lalu siram di atas ikan yang sudah di kukus tadi.kemudian siram dengan soya souce.steam yellow tail siap untuk di hidangkan..
When is our last time to mail a friend ? Do we still keep this disappearing habit somewhere in our memory? What would you feel when you get your mail from a old style chinese style mail boxes? The Old style mail boxes contains. Diagonally cut vegetables, especially when they come in contrasting colours like white, yellow, green and orange, are a beautiful sight to behold.