Nugget gurami (gluten free). You'll love this recipe recipe for Vegan Chicken Nuggets, with a gluten-free option. They're crispy and tasty, and the perfect replacement for chicken. I love this recipe because you can make a large batch, freeze them, and then just reheat in the oven when you're in need of a hassle-free meal.
Always read labels to make sure each recipe ingredient is gluten free.
Products and ingredient sources can change.
Serve these nuggets with barbecue sauce, honey mustard or sweet-and-sour dipping sauce for a real treat.
Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kawan-kawan dapat memasak Nugget gurami (gluten free) hanya dengan menggunakan 6 bahan dan 10 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Nugget gurami (gluten free)!
Bahan-bahan Nugget gurami (gluten free)
- Dibutuhkan 700 gram fillet gurami.
- Dibutuhkan 5 sdm tepung beras putih organik (gasol).
- Gunakan 4 siung bawang putih, haluskan.
- Diperlukan 150 gram tepung roti beras (naturales).
- Siapkan 2 butir telur dikocok untuk celupan.
- Sediakan 1 sdt garam perancis.
Organic boneless skinless chicken breast meat is chopped and formed into nuggets, breaded, fully cooked and frozen. Product is packed in a resealable bag for heat and eat convenience! Everyone can rejoice with this classic childhood dinner recipe and bring the health back to the family dinner table! You didn't think I'd leave with just the side dish to one of the most favorite classic childhood dinner.
Langkah-langkah membuat Nugget gurami (gluten free)
- Blender daging gurami. Bisa juga diiris kecil2. Taruh di wadah.
- Masukkan bawang putih halus.
- Masukkan tepung beras. Uleni hingga rata.
- Tambahkan garam perancis sesuai selera. Uleni kembali hingga rata.
- Masukkan adonan ke wadah pengukus berkualitas bagus. Seperti stainless atau kaca. Kaca tahan panas lebih baik. Kukus kurang lebih 30 menit..
- Keluarkan adonan gurami yang telah masak dari wadah pengukus. Potong2 sesuai selera.
- Kocok 2 butir telur tambahkan garam sesuai selera.
- Masukkan nugget gurami ke telur aduk rata.
- Lalu nugget gurami gulingkan ke tepung roti di dalam wadah terpisah..
- Simpan dalam wadah tertutup. Siap digoreng kapanpun 😄.
Feeling for some delicious cauliflower nuggets, these are full of flavor and are also coated with gluten-free breading. My family enjoyed this recipe very much. These gluten-free chicken nuggets are incredibly crispy and perfect for kids thanks to an easy to prepare gluten-free panko-style breading. Place the Gluten-Free Rice Chex in a plastic bag. Use a rolling pin to crush the cereal into coarse flakes.