Baked Cheese Fish with Potato. Whether topped with a simple pat of butter or a scoop of hearty chili, baked potatoes are a favorite. Scrub and dry potatoes, arrange on a baking sheet. Rinse and halve chile pepper, remove seeds and ribs and chop finely.
Add the potato slices in a single layer and season them to taste with.
Put the potatoes in a large baking dish or roasting tin lined with baking paper and mix with the lemon slices and onion seeds.
Place the fish on top of the potatoes and drizzle over the remaining reserved sundried tomato oil.
Sobat dapat membuat Baked Cheese Fish with Potato hanya dengan menggunakan 14 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Baked Cheese Fish with Potato yuk!
Bahan Baked Cheese Fish with Potato
- Diperlukan 3 bh fillet Dori,potong2.
- Siapkan Bumbu:.
- Gunakan Garam,merica,garlic powder,perasan air Jeruk nipis.
- Dibutuhkan Saus keju:.
- Dibutuhkan 2 sdm butter.
- Sediakan 3 sdm tepung terigu.
- Sediakan 200 ml susu cair.
- Gunakan secukupnya Keju cheddar parut.
- Siapkan Bumbu:garam,merica,pala,gula.
- Sediakan Taburan:.
- Gunakan Keju mozarella.
- Sediakan Parsley.
- Sediakan Pelengkap:.
- Gunakan Kentang Goreng.
Spread potatoes in the dish, season with salt and pepper, and place fish fillets on top. Scatter peppers and tomatoes over fish. I love how the potatoes fuse together in the oven and become supremely crisp, tender, and garlicky. I like to use sole or halibut on top, but any firm and flaky white fish will do, like cod The fish cooks up perfectly on top of its own side dish of crispy potatoes, and the whole thing is just beautiful to look at.
Langkah-langkah membuat Baked Cheese Fish with Potato
- Keringkan potongan fillet Dori dgn tissue paper,beri bumbu,diamkan sebentar.
- Panaskan wajan,beri sedikit minyak,panggang sebentar potongan dori,tata di pinggan.
- Saus keju: Panaskan butter, masukkan terigu,aduk, tambahkan susu,keju parut & bumbu,tes rasa,masak sampai matang.
- Tuangkan says keju ke atas ikan,taburi mozarella & parsley.
- Panggang sebentar sampai keju meleleh.
- Kentang Goreng:Kentang dikupas,potong2,Goreng dgn minyak yg dicampur sedikit butter,panas2 taburi garam + merica).
Fish baked with potatoes and spinach on white plate. Fish pie baked with dorado, topped with mashed potato, breadcrumbs and cheese. Abstract background of potatoes and cheese. Rustic style Baked fish fillet with mashed sweet potatoes. On a wooden background Fried potato salad with lettuce, pepper, onion and baked fish fillets covered with cheese.