Salted egg fish skin. IRVINS brings you the world's #DangerouslyAddictive Salted Egg Fish Skin and Potato Chips. Crispy fish skin coated with salted egg yolk and a touch of spice. Specialized in salted egg snacks and sauce, Irvins' food products are freshly made without I'm sooo addicted to this Irvin's salted egg fish skin!
These crisps, chunkier in size and denser in texture, is bold on flavour.
Sweet and spicy all at once - we like it for its satisfying bite that fills our greedy mouths.
Crispy fish skin coated with salted egg yolk and a touch of spice.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, kawan-kawan dapat memasak Salted egg fish skin hanya dengan menggunakan 4 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Salted egg fish skin yuk!
Bahan Salted egg fish skin
- Diperlukan 4 kulit ikan salmon.
- Sediakan 4 telur asin (kuning nya).
- Diperlukan 4 tangkai daun kari.
- Siapkan 4 sdm butter.
Irvins Salted Egg Fish Skin has become a cult favorite in Singapore and abroad. Now you can buy this amazing (and super addictive snack) without flying to Singapore! From the Irvins website Today we try some very, VERY JOLLY Singaporean Snacks, with Jolly Shandy ;) 오늘 졸리 섄디가 졸리 섄디를 먹어봅니다? Written and Directed by Josh and Ollie Series Producer.
Langkah-langkah memasak Salted egg fish skin
- Panggang kulit ikan salmon di oven selama 20 menit di suhu 200 derajat. Jangan ditumpuk..
- Tiriskan minyak yg mencair. Pastikan semua kulit sudah garing. Tambahkan waktu memanggang bila perlu..
- Panaskan wajan dengan sedikit butter dan goreng daun kari hingga harum dan garing..
- Masukan sisa butter tunggu hingga leleh lalu masukan kuning telur asin yg sudah dikukus dan dihaluskan. Boleh juga menggunakan bubuk salted egg..
- Aduk rata lalu masukan kulit ikan dan aduk rata perlahan..
Specializing in #DangerouslyAddictive Salted Egg snacks, IRVINS food creations are freshly made & ha. Verdict: The salted egg yolk flavour also shone through with Irvins Salted Egg Fish Skin, although Hsueh Yun would prefer it to be less sweet and more spicy. She said: "I can see the curry leaves and chilli, but the flavours need to come through more." Ah Yoke commented: "This tastes good. Availability:In Stock & Ready to Ship. With his Salted Egg Potato Chips (and fish skin), Irvin Gunawan might look like he is riding the crest of a food fad for everything salted egg flavoured, but he remains vigilant over the quality of his products.