Fried egg sandwich with melon. Southern hubby was amazed that my Northern self knew about fried egg sandwiches. I have always just made them with salt and pepper on buttered toast slices no cheese no mayo no ketchup. Mike doesn't eat a lot of eggs, but when he needs to add protein to his diet, he makes this delicious fried egg sandwich.
There are a few different ways of making fried eggs.
Some don't cook the yolk completely and like to eat the yolk runny.
We prefer to cook on both the sides until.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, kalian dapat menyiapkan Fried egg sandwich with melon hanya dengan menggunakan 5 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Fried egg sandwich with melon!
Bahan Fried egg sandwich with melon
- Sediakan 2 lembar roti tawar (lebih bagus roti gandum).
- Gunakan 1 butir telur ayam.
- Gunakan secukupnya keju parut (kalo mau lebih simple pake keju slices, 1 lembar aja).
- Siapkan 1 sendok makan margarin.
- Sediakan sepotong melon.
Only the BEST fried egg sandwich ever. Perfectly seasoned and fried eggs on toast with cheese. I love a handheld breakfast and this Fried Egg Sandwich is just that. Hearty bread is toasted and topped with cheese and perfectly seasoned fried eggs.
Langkah-langkah membuat Fried egg sandwich with melon
- Panaskan margarin di atas wajan hingga melumer.
- Lalu goreng telur sunny side up, berhubung aku ga terlalu suka telur setengah matang, jadi aku gorengnya over medium (dibolak balik), udah matang angkat sisihkan.
- Panggang roti di atas wajan bekas goreng telur hingga setengah kering.
- Potong melon yang sudah dicuci bersih, lalu kupas kulitnya.
- Parut keju diatas 1 lembar roti panggang, tutup dengan telur yang udah digoreng lalu tutup lagi dengan lembaran roti lainnya.
- Sajikan diatas piring beserta potongan melon.. siap disantap.. umm yummy.....
This is a recipe for the classic fried egg sandwich. Spread butter or mayonnaise on the two slices of bread. Place the two eggs on one slice of bread. In my workaholic life, I have to wake up early and be accountable for every minute of my day. At the same time, I am not a morning person and it takes me a great deal of time to get through.