Dori Katsu with Teriyaki Sauce. Tonkatsu sauce make the deep fried pork cutlet taste much better, here's a recipe to make the sauce at home. Tonkatsu Sauce is served with Tonkatsu (deep-fried pork cutlet) and often used for other deep-fried dishes like Ebi Fry and Korokke. Though this ketchup and soy sauce-based sauce is usually served with Tonkatsu (breaded and fried pork cutlet), you'll love it on many things.
Tonkatsu sauce is super easy to make at home, especially if you can't find the popular store brand Bull-Dog sauce at your local supermarket.
Tonkatsu sauce is labeled as a fruit and vegetable sauce, but all you need are four basic pantry ingredients.
Another bonus: no cooking is required to make this recipe.
Kamu dapat memasak Dori Katsu with Teriyaki Sauce hanya dengan menggunakan 12 bahan dan 9 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Dori Katsu with Teriyaki Sauce yuk!
Bahan-bahan Dori Katsu with Teriyaki Sauce
- Dibutuhkan 1 potong ikan dori fillet.
- Gunakan 1 butir telur (untuk melumuri dori).
- Dibutuhkan 2 sdm tepung bumbu.
- Dibutuhkan secukupnya tepung parnir.
- Sediakan secukupnya minyak.
- Gunakan secukupnya garam.
- Dibutuhkan Bahan Teriyaki Sauce.
- Sediakan Bawang Bombay (iris tipis).
- Gunakan 1 bks saos teriyaki (aku pakai saori).
- Diperlukan 1 sdt garam.
- Gunakan 1 sdt gula pasir.
- Diperlukan secukupnya air.
Order online from Shodai Teriyaki on MenuPages. Our Keto Teriyaki Sauce is life changing!! It's sweet, salty and garlicky - ideal for dinner tonight over chicken, beef or salmon! We use xylitol in this recipe because it doesn't crystallize like other sweeteners when it cools down.
Cara memasak Dori Katsu with Teriyaki Sauce
- Cuci ikan dori fillet, taburi sedikit garam dan pijat2, celupkan ke telur..
- Gulingkan ke tepung bumbu, celup ke telur lagi, gulingkan ke tepung parnir..
- Masukkan ke freezer 10 menit (biar tepung parnir melekat sempurna dan tidak lepas saat di goreng)..
- Goreng ikan dori yang sudah difreezer dengan metode deep frying (ikan dori tercelup seluruhnya ke dalam minyak)..
- Untuk membuat sauce teriyaki, tumis bawang bombay hingga layu..
- Tambahkan garam, gula, saus teryaki dan air, aduk hingga sedikit mengental. Angkat..
- Dori Katsu siap disajikan dengan menuangkan sauce teryaki di atasnya..
- Untuk pelengkapnya, aku bikin salad sederhana (kubis, wortel, tomat, mayonais, dan saus sambal)..
- Dori Katsu with Teriyaki Sauce siap disantap. So easy right??.
You can replace the xylitol with swerve. A few weeks ago I picked up some pork katsu for lunch, only to return to the office and find a vacant space where the that thick sweet and salty tonkatsu As I tried to down the rather dry and flavorless katsu, I was forced to dig deep into the bowels of my desk to find what must have been a two-year old. Meat-Free Almond Katsu with Tonkatsu Sauce. Almond katsu with Japanese apple curry sauce. Please consider to pack teriyaki sauce separately so that the sauce wouldn't spill out during delivery.