Steam fish. Steamed fish with ginger and spring onions is one of the easiest and best steamed fish recipe available. There are many reasons why steaming the fish is preferred over other methods of cooking. I love Chinese-style steamed fish-fresh-from-the-tank live fish steamed with soy sauce and topped with shredded ginger, scallions, and cilantro leaves.
That is why my family is dedicated gastronomes of Chinese steamed fish.
We can set out to a gourmet trip to fishing villages.
Cantonese steamed fish is often served as one of the courses in a Chinese banquet.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak sulit, kalian dapat membuat Steam fish hanya dengan menggunakan 10 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Steam fish yuk!
Bahan Steam fish
- Sediakan 1 ekor ikan kakap /kerapu/ekor kuning besar.
- Diperlukan 1 buah Jahe gajah ukuran besar,potong tipis dan potong korek api.
- Sediakan 3 bawang putih geprek.
- Siapkan 5 lonjor daun bawang,potong 5 cm.
- Gunakan 2 lonjor daun unclang, potong 5 cm,iris tipis.
- Diperlukan secukupnya Rosemary kering.
- Siapkan 6 lonjor daun seledri / ketumbar, ambil daun.
- Siapkan 3 cabe merah besar,buang biji,iris tipis.(boleh skip).
- Siapkan 2 sdm soy sauce.
- Sediakan secukupnya garam+merica.
This Cantonese steamed fish uses fish filets for an easy homemade version. Steaming a whole fish (any size!) is a cinch in a Miele combi-steam oven. Thanks to its MasterChef pre-programmed settings, you can let the machine do all the hard work. Steaming fish is one of the lightest and healthiest ways of cooking fish.
Langkah-langkah memasak Steam fish
- Panaskan dandang isi air..
- Siapkan piring tata jahe dan daun unclang seperti gambar..
- Masukan daun unclang, jahe iris korek api,daun bawang, ke dalam tubuh ikan. Tata jahe dan irisan daun unclang di atas tubuh ikan. Taburi rosemary.
- Kukus selama 20 menit..
- Panaskan wajan dengan sedikit minyak. Goreng geprekan bawang putih dan jahe sedikit. Tuang soy sauce, air, garam dan merica..
- Angkat ikan dan tuang saus pd ikan yg masih panas. Beri daun ketumbar/seldri,daun bawamg, cabe merah. Sajikan hangat..
This method allows the fish to hold its natural flavors without losing most of its nutrients, and does not require any additional fat. See more ideas about Steamed fish, Fish recipes, Steamed fish recipes. Cantonese style steamed fish is a classic and popular dish, a fast and tasty way to prepare white fleshed whole fish or fillet. Like poaching, steaming is a great cooking method for calorie counters. No fat is needed, so if you're cutting the fat in your diet, steaming fish is definitely for you.